
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Welcome to our new home....

....where our shower takes up about 4% of our total living space. The place is roughly 400 square feet. It doesn't seem like much, but when you get everything in there, it really doesn't feel too bad anymore.

Here is our bathroom as seen from the shower door. You have to shoot at an angle. But it is nice to lean against the sink when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Here is our closet and door to the bathroom.

Here is our bedroom. Grandpa made us a fantastic bed. We will have to put a picture of that up later.

Here is the hall to our Kitchen and to the door through the car hold. We get to park our cart there in the winter. That is awesome news for Kate, but I will be walking to school anyway.

Here is our living room, the most open and spacious area.

Here I am at our side/main door. I am finishing off a cream cheese was delicious. That is basically the tour. If you want a real tour, you have to show up at our door.


Sam said...

Wow, I didn't mean to put so much space in between those pictures.

Sportel Central said...

It seems like a much lengthier post when you leave that much space and the apartment looks much larger that way as well.

Next post needs to come from Mattie. Her apartment looks like the Taj Mahal compared to Sam and Katie's place. However, the furnishings at Mattie's place leave a lot to be desired(junk from our house).


Sam said...

But I do have to say, it is nice junk. She just needs to get married, then she gets all kinds of good stuff. But no rush!!

Ben said...

Too bad Reuben and Rachel never lived in part of a house like Sam/Katie and Me/Ashley did. It makes for pretty good stories to tell the kids when you get older. "We were so poor we lived in someone's closet".

Sportel Central said...

I was so poor when I was in college that I lived in someone's cellar with the rats. I would have loved to live in a closet.


Ben said...

You had rats?? We were so poor we only had cockroaches. And we were thankful for it.

Sportel Central said...

We were so poor that we lived in a box with the scorpions. When we complained about it our Dad beat us with his wooden leg.


Ben said...

Your dad had a wooden leg? We were so poor our dad could only afford a rusty frying pan to beat us with!