Ok, so I need to tell all of you that I now have a long term sub position at Grand Rapids Middle School as an 8th grade earth science teacher up to Christmas break. (16 weeks) I'll teach 5 of the 6 earth science classes. It'll work really well because Katie can drop me off on her way, or I can bike the couple of miles. I kind of want to get a used moped for the winter months, but that is still in talks. So, I am employed through the end of the year, but who knows what will happen next year. I can always go back to part time researcher if I need to.
Also, I put some pictures of my tomato plant to show you how resilient the thing is. A week ago, we got about 6 inches of rain in about 5 hours and the gutters were overflowing. It just so happens that my garden (consisting of one tomato plant) was under the gutter. I tried to move the plant and in 2 seconds I was completely soaked. It was quite the storm. But the plant rebounded and is doing quite well. I am always amazed at how well those plants can stand themselves up straight again. The two pictures are only a week apart.
Whoo-hoo for jobs and tomatoes!
Congratulations on the full time job!! Maybe you will be fortunate like Katie and have it become a permanent position.
The tomatoe plant looks good size considering what it was like when it left our house. Grab some tomatoe tone the next time your over and that will have it growing to six feet in no time.
Congrats Sam. That is awesome! It will definately be a good experience and a stepping stone to what is next.
Congrats Sam. That is awesome! It will definately be a good experience and a stepping stone to what is next.
I looks like Reuben's clone got out of the basement again. I keep telling him he has to anchor the chains into something sturdy.
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