
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catching Up

I know that I haven't been much of a blogger the last year or so. I thought I'd catch up a bit with some pictures from the present day back to October

This was tonight. Adeline said she wanted to paint on the "weasel" (easel)
I liked this picture of Adeline's eyes.
We've all been catching up on the sleep we missed in 2010.
Evie preparing to brave some bitter WI temps
Waiting outside for the Christmas parade.
Avery's birthday
Adeline's Birthday
My birthday (31 fingers)
Out for a walk

Here's our house in the suburbs.

This is part of the fishing weekend Avery and I took up north with some of Ashley's family. Above is the ferry at Kitchitikipee or something like that. I kind of remember visiting as a kid. Mom and dad confirmed that we have been there before. Below is Avery turning the wheel to move the ferry across the lake.
This was my attempt of a self portrait of the two of us fishing. You'll notice I made Avery wear eye protection in honor of Grandpa Maier.

You'll notice I was in a lot of the images this time. I haven't taken a lot of pictures recently so Ashley has been picking up the slack which has resulted in me being in front of the camera more often. She's encouraged me to pick up the camera some more this year, so hopefully you'll see more posting in 2011 that I had in 2010.


Sam said...

I do love coloring on weasels. Did Avery catch anything?

Debra said...

Yeah Kitchitikipee!!

Ben said...

Didn't catch anything. The wind was blowing pretty hard. Fisherman told me that was hurting our chances.

Mattie said...

that was a lot of fingers up...
I never noticed Adeline's eyes were so brown!

Rachel said...

Great pics!