
Friday, March 14, 2008

I can go twice as high.....

I took a TRIAGE trip to the Sculpture Gardens last Tuesday to see this butterfly exhibit. If you have never been, you should go. It is quite fun. The butterfly on the top is doing a terrible job of camouflaging itself and the moth right below that one is almost a foot from tip to tip. it is hard to tell from this picture though.


Reuben said...

Nice pictures Sam. The song is from reading rainbow. I can't get the artist. was it a pretty cool trip?

Sam said...

It is just cool to see these butterflies all around you landing on people/trees and scaring some children. There were really a lot of them. There was one spot that had about 20 butterflies in 20 square feet just flying around.

Sportel Central said...

I like the huge moth and the red butterfly best. Interesting how they used scrubby thingies for food stations. Do I need those in my garden?