
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just like the other ones

Hey all-
Teaching is going well. Middle schoolers are crazy so that makes us a good fit. The teachers there have been really supportive and helpful. I think it may be in part that I am Reuben's brother. Also, I wanted to make note of just finishing my first grad class. I am currently heading towards curriculum and instruction with a science focus. Now I can be just like my other brothers again!


Reuben said...

Nice work Sam. Slow down on those classes or you will beat me. For the record, I finished my first grad class this summer, so you can't say thought of it first. We are going different routes anyway.

So are you teaching this upcoming week?

Hey use the connections, that is what they are there for. You could refer to them as a "door opened by God" and it sounds a lot less like luck than "connections" and more like a blessing.

Ben said...

Is this title a song?

I may have to look into Phd classes now that you two are catching up. I will not be outdone!

Speaking of you two, the new U2 album is due out in a couple weeks!

What Reuben says is true. Networking is the most effective job seatch tool.

Sportel Central said...

My interpretation of Ben's comment about networking is that networking is really a fancy way of stating rule number three of my list. It's great to see everyone continuing their higher education. I'm sure I will continue to be educated in my old age through all your knowledge.

By the way,the "just like the other ones" lyric is from a group called Saliva. Need some education on that group as well.


Sam said...

This isn't actually a song title. And Dad is probably right as well. But, when I was writing the title, I was thinking of Jack Johnson.

What would you do your dissertation in Ben?

I think our dinner table conversations will continue to get more and more sophisticated.

Sportel Central said...

Do you think we should phrase all our conversations in the form of a question like they on Jeopardy? The other alternative would be to incorporate song lyrics into our discussions.
