
Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Photos

I'm finally posting a few pics of the last month-ish. This is a family pic at Robinettes on my birthday!
The next 4 photos are a few that Jenna took in a spontaneous photo session last month. There are many more, but these are some of the highlights!

A few pics from the Wisconsin visit. There was no perfect cousins picture. :)
The children's museum was fun!

Below is Alena in her PJs before bedtime to document her 8-month birthday 10/26. :)
Out of order again... the next 2 were taken today while Alena and I were outside trying to pick up some leaves.
Don't eat the leaves!
Alena was a little monkey for Halloween. We got her in and out of the costume multiple times for family and friends to see her as well as to "help" pass out candy at our house. She had had enough by the end!

Lastly, this was a fun picture during a normal day at home from earlier this month.