
Monday, October 17, 2011

Bad to the Bone

Congratulations to those of you that had the under on when Adeline would break her next bone! Yesterday she took a tumble off the jungle gym at the park and broke both bones in her forearm.We are planning on this being her last trip to the ER for awhile; She was telling me how she needs to be more careful from now on.  Very good to hear.
After about 8 hours in the hospital we got to come home with her 1st cast on. She'll get another one later this week and hopefully a smaller one in about a month.  She did very will with the nurses and doctors. A number of them told me that they could not believe how tough she was. Her tolerance for pain is really remarkable. I wish I was as hardcore as her. 
The radius was at about a 45 degree angle and the ulna at about 15 degrees. It was pretty hard to see, but thankfully she's fine now. 
 Neighbors have been coming over to give her gifts and cards today which seem to make her feel better. She'll be back in school in a couple of days and hopefully in ballet class soon after to pick up some more robust balance skills.


Reuben said...

What a tough girl. We'll pray it heals quickly and she can get back to normal life soon. The cast might work out for a where's Walda Halloween costume (That is Waldo's girlfriend, right?).

Sam said...

Is she a mini Ashley? Should we be buying her calcium or a helmet for Christmas? What color is her cast going to be? Glad to hear she is doing well. And even more glad to hear that she isn't planning on returning there anytime soon.