
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nordhouse Dunes

We finally got back to Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area. Spent one night and took a hike on the beach Monday.
This is a full "fogbow" (it wasn't raining, and it wasn't very colorful, so we called it a "fogbow") we saw for several hours on the beach. Please forgive my first attempt at stitching three photos together, but I tink it is pretty cool The first time we ever saw anything like it. ...

Here is the view from our campsite. We got back to our favorite spot.

...and the camp...

Proof that we were there ;-)....

We found several more interesting things on our morning hike. I liked the dew on the feathers....

Dad set this shot up. He calls it "One Too Many!" I'm not sure how I feel about it. Actually there were quite a few dead Gulls on shore. Maybe from the storms they had over the lake Thursday?

We saw an Eagle again, too. Couldn't get a pic of him cause my camera wouldn't focus quick enough in the fog. Oh well. But we did get his tracks....

and the remains of breakfast....

OK, Enough gross stuff. Here are some random pretty scenics to end the blog.

Thanks for looking!


Reuben said...

Like the pictures.
I am embarassed to say as a science teacher that I actually thought fogbow was something.
Looks like the gulls were at the center of atention. At least one was useful, feeding the eagle. The tracks are cool. Were they impressively large when you saw them? like did you have to ask yourself "wow, those are bird tracks?"
Still need to get ourselves to Nordhouse. But following in your hiking footsteps, a couple steps behind, Pictured rocks is only 2 days away!!

Debra said...
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Debra said...

We saw the Eagle before we saw the prints so we knew what they were, but they were awesome. You could tell there was some heft and power behind them, especially where the eagle landed in the sand.
And who knows, a fogbow might be a real thing. We submitted a photo the tv17 weather guys for information. We'll see if anything comes of that.
Have fun on your trip Reuben and Rachel! May you be free of biting flies!

Ben said...

Peter Chan will know what it is. That guy's a pro.
Did you guys finish that whole bottle of vodka?
I also enjoyed the photos. If there is ever a dead bird category at one of your competitions you'd have a real shot at the top prize.

Sportel Central said...

Just to set the record straight, the empty Grey Goose vodka bottle was found within six feet of the dead gull. I just thought there was some real irony in having that bottle and the gull in such close proximity. Another line I had was "Don't drink and fly".


Debra said...

Hey Guess what.
Peter Chan says that our photo is indeed a fogbow....its a real thing!!
Look for it tonight on the 10:00 news.
We're smarter than we knew! ;-)

Debra said...

Our fogbow made it on TV. He messed up our names. Oh well. Peter said it was a pretty rare event and this was the first photo anyone had sent in. Pretty cool.

Sam said...

Wow, way to go Doobrah and Randolf Spurtle! I hope Peter didn't mess up your name that bad. What did he say caused the infamous "fogbow"? And if it is a real thing, why doesn't the dictionary recognize it? :) I am just jealous of my parents' adventures. What other trips do you two have in the works?

Mattie said...

you should have tried to tape this! I am sad I missed you guys making it on TV. Thats really cool, though, way to see a rare event!

Mattie said...

also, I laughed at Ben's comment about Peter Chan... and then he really did answer the question... Peter Chan is in command! Too funny!