
Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Alright

Here are some pics from the show. Thanks for coming, those who could!

By the way, I am selling 7 prints from the book to the school. 14 of the 17 students in the show had an image or two purchased, I started at 3, then 4, then he decided on 7. He must have kids...


Sam said...

Sung by Candlebox and about a thousand others.....

But your pictures are so much more than alright! Do you feel really special now? Your art is great! You are a good photographer and we don't ever want to hear otherwise :)

Debra said...

Wow, wow, wow!
Congratulations Mattie! I'll be upgrading my Christmas list now that you are so rich!
Dad and I were commenting on how fun it was to listen in on all of the positive comments on your work from people who didn't know we were your parents. Thank goodness they were positive comments! ;-)
.... and the children are all above average....

Sportel Central said...

Actually the children(and grandchildren) are all WELL, WELL above average.


Reuben said...

Nice work on the sales Mattie. You are welcome. It was a pleasure to see how much better you are than your peers.
Sorry your brothers don't know how to take a photography thing seriously and dress nice.
I know people use it a lot outside of te family realm, but it struck me a little to hear people call you by Mattea. It is so artsy. When you are famous people will ask, :did you see the latest Mattea?" It will be awsome.
Speaking of awesome, you work was awesome.

Ben said...

I enjoyed the unfished project very much, so I'm sure the final version was excellent. Can't wait to see it.

Mattea does sound artsy. I don't think I could ever call you that, but it makes for a great professional name.

Are you buying drinks at Christmastime with all of your new found cash?

Reuben said...

This rounds on Mattea!

Mattie said...

Hey now! the money earned is mostly going to cover the costs of MAKING the project, that stuff isn't cheap! the rest is going towards my future and rent during a season without commission at the store... and Colorado of course. Maybe I can splurge on a bottle of organic wine, especially for Ben.

Sam said...

Dad's wine is organic. You should buy some from him. Then you would be helping the local economy too!