
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

No problem promising sledding this vacation. Lots of snow to go around.

We just finished shoveling a pile of snow out of the driveway... again!!! We're going to feel that tomorrow.

Saw the sun -- sort of -- and couldn't resist getting a picture of it. Took this through the screened window in the kitchen so it doesn't show up very well. If you look closely you can just make out a shadow or two! ;-) ... Bring SUN when you come to visit please!
Getting into the Christmas frame of mind:


Ben said...

That's a lot of shoveling. If only there was some contraption that could remove snow with out shoveling.
I'm suprised to see the sun made and appearance.
I bet that big present under the tree is for me. Avery asked me if there is a "blue lightsaver" in any of those boxes.

Sam said...

This song is sung by lots of artists. Dean Martin to name one. I think Alvin and the Chipmunks also sing it. We should have a lightsaber fight in our snowforts. Maybe it will get warm enough to build a giant snowman again like so many years ago. Ben, we all made sure that every present we got you and Ashley would be the biggest presents under the tree. And that childrens toys would be very loud and annoying.... But one thing you can tell from those picks is that none of them were wrapped by me!

Sportel Central said...

Church was canceled today so Dad and I are warm and cozy in the house. We had to turn on the furnace for pretty much the first time this year to warm up. We put Blondie out and she is ticked at us right now. She stood at the door and gave me that "you've got to be kidding!" look.
Snow is blowing all around, Christmas music playing on Dad's record player, Christmas flavored coffee brewing in the coffee pot.... ahhh... only thing missing is all of you!

Rachel said...

Even our church was cancelled in the city! We were about ready to go when Reuben thought he'd look online to see, and sure enough, cancelled. So, we are also having a cozy day at home with coffee, Christmas music, and best of all, leftovers and cleaning up from our fun Christmas party we had here last night! We're excited for these next few weeks to be with everyone!