
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christmas on my table

I hear many people complain that they can't ever get their christmas cactus to bloom. I have had no such trouble. The first bloom was at the padre's house before we moved. Then it seemed to celebrate the new home with us and bloomed during the end of december. I was happy with the flowers and how healthy the plant was even though it was sitting by the coldest part of our house. Now it is blooming again. I really don't know why. Maybe it is dying and trying to create as many offspring as it can before it passes away. (Kind of like the summer with all the maple seeds) Maybe Dad is right and it likes staying 56 degrees all day long? I just thought you should see it because it doesn't seem normal. They certainly are some of my favorite flowers though.


Ben said...

Cacti have flowers? Do I have to learn gardening now that I am moving back to the Midwest?

Reuben said...

Yes Ben, all angiosperms have flowers. Not all are showy and pretty, but they all have flowers. Gymnosperms (most of the trees in CO) won't have flowers.
Gardening is an important part of enjoying the summer in the Midwest. That'd be a good consideration for new hobbies. You could try tomatoes or a lovely native plant garden.
sorry for nerding out, I don't get to use my big words enough and I payed a lot to learn them.

Sam said...

We have been learning about paleomagnetism in my class. Feel free to use all the big words you want! And yes Ben, you will have to grow things. That includes grass, which also has to be mowed. Some say watered too, but if you water less, you mow less. Maybe you could plant pumpkins for the kids and have them learn to garden?

Sportel Central said...

I'm planning on donating acorns for Avery to plant since we had to disappoint him last year with the news that acorns don't grow in Colorado.

As for Sam's Christmas cactus, he has the perfect growing conditions in his house. He has a photoperiodic environment (11-13 hours of darkness) and night temperatures of 50 to 65. I think Sam should propagate a plant for everyone for next Christmas.


Mattie said...

I have plants and I live in Colorado... I even pruned our fruit trees last week! Sorry, no big words here.