
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nobody's perfect

Alright, it has begun and already everyone is a loser. But we still need to decide on what happens to the loser. Ben had the idea that the loser washes the winner's car and the rest of us just stand around being thankful we didn't lose. If anyone is opposed to that idea, make a comment about your disgust. But then you have to come up with something else too.

Also, here is the list of bracket names for our tournament. I was wondering if any 'outsider' (not one of the 9 sportels and a norman) could match them up with who created them just by the bracket name. If you aren't pat of the immediate family, you are eligible to guess. Just leave your guess in the comments!
Bracket names:
the orange hemoglobin monster
mountaintop madness
new to the game
Upscale Character
the prodigal daughter
My husband is the best ever!


Ben said...

I can't wait until you have to wash my truck, Sam. I'll take it muddin' ahead of time so it will take you longer.

Reuben said...

Sam's washing your truck for me?

Mattie said...

(nice reuben)
I tried guessing even though I had already seen some of them and couldn't get them right! Although "my husband is the best ever" was pretty easy...

Oman said...

this is an interesting read. keep it up.