
Sunday, June 6, 2010

I recently realized that I haven't posted in a few months because of all that is going on. Here's a few pictures in no particular order:

Here's the last picture I took in the old house while we were moving. I had already loaded Avery's bed in the truck and so he used his backpack for a pillow and laid down to sleep in his old room.

Here are the kids on a visit in Milwaukee when I was living out of the hotel.

Avery helping us get the house ready to sell.

Here we are relaxing in the apartment and watching a movie.

Doing a little sailing in Muskegon.

Our last family picture in Colorado.


Sam said...

You have such smiley children! Best shot is the movie in the apartment pic.

Debra said...

I think the one of Avery in the corner is a classic. Great shots.