
Monday, November 5, 2007

30 is Just a Number

Our trip in the world's most famous desert oasis is almost over. I thought I would put up some pictures of our adventures.

Here is Ashley at dinner with her tasty 30th birthday cake. We took a limo ride through the strip to celebrate as well, but i don't have that picture yet.

Here's Ashley poolside.

We took a picture by a Sphinx for Avery.

As you can tell I really enjoyed the hummus I found at the buffet.


Sportel Central said...

Ben, I liked that pic of Ashley poolside. She looks like a 40's fashion poster.
Avery enjoyed seeing Mommy and Daddy!

Reuben said...

Looks like fun guys. I wish I could be there. P/T conferences this week promises to be almost as exciting.

While we're talking food, Hummus is awesome. We have a recipe if you are interested Mattie. I understand if you want to do your own thing though.

Mattie said...

I am jealous! I do wish I could have gone. At least I am considering swinging out to CO for my Spring Break this year.

Reubs, I am very interested in the hummus recipe, even if I don't use it for the family meal!