
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wet Basement

We had a little storm roll through this morning....a bit of excitement to break up the day.
I didn't get pictures of the really large hail...I never saw it that large in Michigan... but captured some of the after-effects. Thankfully, our cars were in the garage. Funniest part was the cat. She hid in the basement for two hours.
Now I'll get some exercise hauling buckets of water from the basement.

The woods by the creek...

The view down the path. Hard to tell where the banks of the creek are supposed to be.


Mattie said...

That is pretty amazing, I'm sad I missed it! We haven't had any good spring storms yet, just sun ;) and a lot of wind lately.
I can't remember the creek looking that in a while, I wonder what the Grand looks like!

Reuben said...

holy cow! Has it ever been that high.
Rach and I were driving when the hail hit. Traffic on the highway slowed way down and many stopped.