
Sunday, May 11, 2008


Friends and Family-

Kate ran the 25K riverbank run yesterday in about 2 hours and 15 minutes. This was about 11 minutes slower than last year. She had some really bad stomach cramps and was just about ready to quit many, many times, but she finished in what I call a very respectable time. When I asked her at the completion of the race if she would ever do it again, she said absolutely not. Then I asked her 10 minutes later and she said she had to because she didn't run under 2 hours. So, it appears as though she will live to run another day. One day, Katie will beat 2 hours. And maybe run a marathon some other day. What was your best time dad? Some day we should do a family marathon, maybe split up into various lengths based upon running prowess (e.g. Kate and dad get 7 miles or so, while I take a strenuous mile)

By the way, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers that just might read this blog today, or days forthcoming. Hooray for moms!


Debra said...

My best time was 1:51. That was 19 years ago and I'm sure that I would struggle to be under 2:05 at this point. I gave up running the River Bank in 2001 when I pulled a hamstring while training for the race. I tell everybody that injury was a sign from God for me to discontinue running that event. So don't look for me to join any family River Bank Runs or marathons.


Debra said...

I forgot. The song is by Snow Patrol


Ben said...

Also by Collective Soul.
Souds like a good time to me. Kate probably oculd run the race twice in the time it would take Sam to finish.

Mattie said...

Is there a 10k? Someday I want to run a 10k, I think I could do that without my body falling apart.

Sam said...

Yes there is a 10K and I bet you could do really well is you would get back into training.

Ben- I think that I could finish a 25K in less than 4 hours. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I walk pretty fast. In fact, I walk faster than I jog. I challenge you to a 400 meter walk!

Deb/Dad- I was thinking the Collective Soul version, but you still get the point.

Sportel Central said...

I always thought I looked in a hat.

Mattie, I'm ready to run the 10K with you next year.


Rachel said...

Great job Kate! I was dying just running th 5k 2 years ago- and not even that fast. Proud of you! :) I may be up for a 10k too, Mattie.