
Monday, May 7, 2007

A place to live!

Well after much waiting and anticipation, Sam and I have found a place to live! It is just from June-August, but we are excited. A Calvin Seminarian and his family are going to travel to Iowa for the summer and they wanted to rent out their house. Thankfully we were the first to inquire and we officially signed the lease yesterday. It is located in Alger Heights, quite close to Reuben and Rachel! We'll get to move in a week before our wedding so it should work out great. What an answer to prayer and a blessing for both Sam and I and the Seminarian couple.


Mattie said...

hooray! that is awesome.

Ben said...

That's great! We are very happy for you. When are we all coming over for dinner?

Rachel said...

That's exciting! What street is it on?

Reuben said...
