
Friday, October 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Mattie!!!!

Wow our baby is an adult now. 21 years ago we were.... I'll spare you the details for now. I'm sure Dad will be happy to relate the annual story of your birth for you on Sunday ;-). Have fun with your gathering today.
Mom and Dad


katie said...

Happy Birthday! Now all you have to look forward to is 25 so you can get cheaper rental cars. That is what I am going for. Then I think the next thing to look forward to getting the senior discount.

Sam and Kate

Rachel said...

Happy birthday yesterday! Yes, yes, that is true about the 25 yrs. thing... since it was my 25th b-day this week, Reuben informed me of this, which I hadn't thought about. Yay for 25 (or something like that). Have fun being 21 Mattie!

Ben said...

The cheap rental car is nice. You still have to be careful that they don't get you with the extra insurance. Those rental car dudes can be pretty shady.

So Mattie, what is your favorite wine? You can pretend to know stuff about wine now, like we do.

Sportel Central said...

So Mattie, tell us how it went. Did you take pics?

Reuben said...

Yeah Mattie, how'd things go? Did peple eat cheese, drink wine, and be merry? Sorry I was not able to reply soon enough, but I would have recommended a chianti. YOu can get Tiziano at horrocks for 7.99 (originally 12.99). It has lots of great flavors for tasting if you are comparing, but it if you don't like dry reds yet, then don't bother. Hey, for your b-day I'll try to remember my new Denison CD I got with my 5$ reward from BEst Buy. SO bring your comp.