
Monday, April 9, 2007

Here is grandpa with the kids. There are some short videos of him with adeline on youtube that should be up by tommorow. He says to say hello to everyone and that he is looking forward to seeing the family at wedding time. It was hard to get a picture of Avery with grandpa because he did not sit still the 8 hours that we were there. That is not an exaggeration. He may need to be drugged for the wedding. I suppose I could have used a little something to calm the nerves at my wedding.
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Sportel Central said...

Maybe we can put chocolate at the front of church for Avery. Or leave a trail of cheerios. All we have to do us get him up there. After that he can do as he wants! *S*
Positive thing is, Ben, that when you are worried about how your kid is acting, you don't have time to be nervous for yourself.
To make things really interesting we can put Adeline in a wagon and have her pulled down the isle. *S*

Ben said...

Wow, with Adeline in a wagon everyone would really get to see the train wreck that is my children in a quiet and controlled atmosphere.
I don't worry about being in other people's weddings. So don't worry Sam, I won't be taking anything before I am standing up there with the tallest wedding party ever. I won't be stressed about the boy either. I think I will enjoy whatever comes of his stroll down the aisle. A trail of M&Ms might do the trick.

Sportel Central said...

I think the idea of having both kids in the wedding is an excellent idea. Most guys who attend weddings are looking for something interesting to happpen and I think Avery and Adeline would provide great entertainment. By the way, Grandpa Sportel thinks Avery's energy level is very reminiscent of Ben at that age.